Clean reversible install test
PASSEDRemove all non-shared files and folders
PASSEDDo not force an immediate reboot during installation
PASSEDDo not force an immediate reboot during uninstallation
PASSEDWrite appropriate Add/Remove Program values
PASSEDSingle user registry check
Install to the correct folders test
PASSEDInstall to Program Files
PASSEDWrite to the %WINDIR% or %SystemDrive%
PASSEDLoading apps on Windows startup
Digitally signed file test
PASSEDInstall signed driver and executable files
Support x64 Windows test
PASSEDInstall platform specific files, and drivers
OS version checking test
PASSEDProper OS version checking
User account control (UAC) test
PASSEDUser account control run level
Adhere to system restart manager messages
Safe mode test
PASSEDDo not load services and drivers in safe mode
Multiuser session test
PASSEDMulti user check logs
PASSEDMulti user registry check
PASSEDDo not write to the 'Users' folder
Deployment and launch tests
Compatibility and resiliency test
PASSEDCompatibility fixes
PASSEDUser mode hooking using AppInit_DLLs
PASSEDCompatibility manifest
Windows security features test
High-DPI support